Anti-Aging Treatment In Downriver & Wyandotte, MI

Many things can cause our skin to age. Certain things we can't change, while others we can alter.

One thing we cannot alter is the natural process of aging. Usually, our faces shed a youthful glow. As we age, we notice lines appearing on our faces and skin becoming thinner and dryer. The genes in our bodies control these changes, and the environment we live in and our lifestyle can also make our skin age prematurely.

Ways to Prevent Premature Skin Ageing

To assist our patients in avoiding premature aging of the skin, our providers recommend the following tips:

  1. Keep your skin protected from the sun as much as possible. Shield your skin from sunburn by wearing sun-safe clothes. Don't forget to apply sunscreen with broad-spectrum SPF30 or greater.
  2. Every time you obtain a tan, you're prematurely aging your skin. Sun releases harmful UV radiation, which increases the speed at which your skin gets older.
  3. Smoking greatly speeds the rate of skin aging. It can cause wrinkles and a dull complexion. So quit smoking.
  4. When you make an expression with your face, then you contract your underlying muscles. If you continue to engage the same muscles for a long time, the lines can become permanent. So we recommend avoiding repetitive facial expressions. Use sunglasses to reduce the lines resulting from squinting.
  5. Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies to reduce the damage that causes premature aging of the skin.
  6. Alcohol is rough on the skin, and causes skin dehydration, and, over time, can damage the skin. So reduce your alcohol intake.
  7. Scrubbing can irritate your skin and accelerate skin aging. Gentle cleansing can help eliminate makeup and dirt without irritating.
  8. Cleanse your face twice each day and when you sweat excessively. Perspiration irritates your skin, and you should wash your face immediately after sweating.
  9. Moisturizer traps water on our skin, resulting in a youthful appearance. So apply a moisturizer to your face throughout the day.
  10. If your skin is burning, it indicates that the skin is suffering from irritation and itching, which may cause it to appear older. Do not use products for skincare causing burns.

Not Too Late to Reap the Benefits

If the signs of aging on your skin bother you, visit Great Lakes Health and Wellness Center. Our innovative treatments and less invasive procedures to smooth wrinkles, tighten skin and improve appearance help many people get younger-looking skin.

Please reach out to our practice in Wyandotte, MI, to have a consultation with our doctor, Dr. Abrahamson. Please call us at (734) 287-3000 or schedule an online consultation, and we’ll guide you further.

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Monday-Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday-Sunday: By Appointment Only
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