Visia Skin Analysis In Downriver & Wyandotte, MI

The Visia imaging system uses uses multi-spectral imaging to create a visual analysis of the skin. Complexion analysis with VISIA software displays the patient's face on a computer screen in normal and ultraviolet light modes, showing surface and subsurface skin imperfections that might not be visible to the naked eye.

The Visia imaging system provides vivid and multi-dimensional images of the skin that capture detailed images of:

  • Wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Pores
  • Color variation
  • Porphyrins

The software analyzes these areas, especially those that may indicate a need for treatment and features an on-screen zoom tool to focus on specific areas. The Visia system can also create a comparison analysis of the individual's skin compared to other individuals of similar age, ethnicity and skin type.

This technology allows patients and their physicians to see even the smallest amounts of skin damage and determine the need for facial rejuvenation procedures. After a Visia complexion analysis, a tailored skin care regimen and rejuvenation plan can be created for the individual's specific needs.

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Convenient Office Location in Wyandotte, MI

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Monday-Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday-Sunday: By Appointment Only
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